Conference Venue: Jiujiang Yuanzhou International Hotel (九江远洲国际大酒店)
Address: No.116, South lake road, Jiujiang (九江市南湖路116号)
Hotel Telphone: 400-688-6687
【前往酒店】: - 距离九江庐山机场43公里,乘坐出租车约50-55分钟; - 距离九江火车站2.2公里,乘坐出租车约5-10分钟; - 距离九江汽车站1.3公里,乘坐出租车约5分钟。
【酒店周边信息】: - 距离民俗园300米,步行约5分钟; - 距离和中广场350米,步行约5分钟; - 距离南湖公园(北一门)450米,步行约5分钟; - 距离九江学院700米,步行约10-15分钟; - 距离能仁禅寺900米,步行约15分钟。
Mount Lushan is 36 kilometers south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. It lies south of Yangtze River and west of Poyang Lake. The scenic area covers 350 square kilometers with the buffer zone reaching out for 500 square kilometers. Mt Lushan is well known since ancient times for its magnificence, marvel, precipice,and grace.
庐山距江西省九江市36公里。它北临长江,东濒鄱阳湖,整个景区占地 350平方公里,外围保护地带面积为500平方公里,自古就以"雄奇险秀"闻名于世。
Mt Lushan has plenty of scenic attractions, including the Wulaofeng(Five El erly Men Peaks), Xianrendong(Immortal's Cavern)and the White Deer Cave Academy.
The climate of Mt Lushan is that of subtropical monsoon, typical of mountainous areas Tfre temperature drops as the mountain rises higher. In summer it isexceptionally cool , and has long been reputed as a world famous resort from the summer heat.
Mt Lushan is a holy site of religions as well, and in one mountain there hosts five major religions of the world. Well preserved in Mt Lushan are over 20 sites of ancient times, as well as 600 or more sites of the mediaeval times. The scenic quarters boast for its 16 natural wonders, 474 sites of interest,900 cliff inscriptions, 300 stone steles, and 600 villas of modern times in various Chinese or foreign styles.
Mt Lushan is recognized as one of the first group of the key scenic sites in China. In 1991 it was award with the honor of one of the"Top Forty tourism sites of China". In December of 1996, Mt Lushan was inscribed in the World Heritage List. as a world natural scenery. And in February, 2004, Mt Lushan National Geopark was approved by UNESCO as a site of the World Geological Parks on its list of World Network of Geoparks.
庐山是首批国家重点风景名胜区,1991年荣获"中国旅游胜地40佳"称号。 1996年12月,庐山作为"世界文化景观"被列人《世界遗产名录》。2004年2月,江西庐山地质公园被联合国教科文组织世界地质公园专家评审会列人世界地质公园名录。
The White Deer Cave Academy was one of the earliest institutes of higher learning in China. It was first built by Li Bo,an official of Tang Dynasty(618- 907)at the beginning of the seventh century and was extended during the Song Dynasty(960一1279), It was one of the four largest academies in China, and teachers such as Zhu Xi and Lu Xiangshan,philosophers of the Southern Song Dynasty(1127一1279), had many students here.
The group of ancient buildings at the White Deer Cave Academy represents the architectural model for Chinese traditional academies. Guanyin Bridge, a stone arch bridge with a rabbet and mortise structure, has played a very important role in Chinese bridge building. The groups of modern villas are a testament to the penetration of Western culture into China’s hinterlands in the late 19thcentury to the middle of the 20th century.